Public Wine Club


Join our monthly wine club!

With a 3 or 6 bottle option, we will be selecting our favourite wines from the month including new vintages, cellar releases and wines that flow with the season. Styles and regions will vary widely as we will explore each end of the fermented beverage spectrum!

No payment is taken at the time of ordering, we will email invoices on the 1st each month and boxes will be ready to collect from us on the last day each month with accompanying notes.

Shipping will be available to select regions. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need your box shipped.

Tier 1 – $150 for 3 bottles; focusing on easy, quality, seasonal drinking!

Tier 2 - $400 for 6 bottles; includes wines from tier 1 plus special bottles, new releases, allocated and rare wines!

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Join our monthly wine club!

With a 3 or 6 bottle option, we will be selecting our favourite wines from the month including new vintages, cellar releases and wines that flow with the season. Styles and regions will vary widely as we will explore each end of the fermented beverage spectrum!

No payment is taken at the time of ordering, we will email invoices on the 1st each month and boxes will be ready to collect from us on the last day each month with accompanying notes.

Shipping will be available to select regions. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need your box shipped.

Tier 1 – $150 for 3 bottles; focusing on easy, quality, seasonal drinking!

Tier 2 - $400 for 6 bottles; includes wines from tier 1 plus special bottles, new releases, allocated and rare wines!

Join our monthly wine club!

With a 3 or 6 bottle option, we will be selecting our favourite wines from the month including new vintages, cellar releases and wines that flow with the season. Styles and regions will vary widely as we will explore each end of the fermented beverage spectrum!

No payment is taken at the time of ordering, we will email invoices on the 1st each month and boxes will be ready to collect from us on the last day each month with accompanying notes.

Shipping will be available to select regions. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need your box shipped.

Tier 1 – $150 for 3 bottles; focusing on easy, quality, seasonal drinking!

Tier 2 - $400 for 6 bottles; includes wines from tier 1 plus special bottles, new releases, allocated and rare wines!